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Kasa Community

A media membership for ambitious education leaders

Why join the Kasa Community (Education)?

We know school budgets are tight but you still want to be visible.

The Kasa Community is designed to address this by helping you connect with journalists and share your news and stories.

We’re not promising to put you on the front page of your favourite publication, but becoming a member will help you start thinking about your comms activities with the media and journalists in mind.

You’ll get a media page on our website which we will populate with all the crucial information plus recent press pieces and your assets. We’ll use this page to respond to media requests for contributions from experts (which our members are), as well as actively look out for media opportunities for you.

Your year’s membership will also include access to our Meet the Journalist events, which will help you get to know journalists, find out what stories they’re looking for and understand how you can contribute.

We can also bolster this with ongoing PR support, or a short press campaign to promote something specific through our packages.

Join our new community to…


Bolster your brand's credibility


Build relationships with journalists


Develop media confidence


Increase visibility

The Kasa Community is part of Kasa Communications